Heritage Weekend Open Day & Book Festival

Saturday 08 September 2018
10:00 to 15:30

Heritage open book festival 2018

The Heritage room will be open for access to archives and information about Galleywood. The Book Festival will take place in the main hall. Various local authors will be happy to talk to visitors about their books and there will also be a programme of short talks in the Common room in the grounds. Further details of the talks and authors will be available nearer the time. Admission free. Tearoom will be open for refreshments. 

OPEN DAY & BOOK FESTIVAL UPDATE! Saturday 8th September 2018 10 am to 3.30 pm at the Heritage Centre.

The Talks timetable (subject to revision in the case of unforeseen circumstances) is :-

10.30 am to 11am - Tony Cruse -‘Barking Books’

11.15 to 11.45 am - Peter Maggs “Criminal Justice in the 19th Century”

12 to 12.30 - Dr Tony Miller - “Making your dreams come true-how to write even if you’re very busy”

1.15 to 1.45 pm - Jonathan Swan - "How do you find the time?: researching and writing history".

2 to 2.30pm - Dr Viv Newman - "Surgeons, Spies & Suffragists- Extraordinary Women of the Great War"

2.45 to 3.15 pm - Brian Southall "I didn’t know that - things you find out doing research"

As space is limited please obtain a ticket for the talk/s of your choice from the reception desk in the main hall on the day itself. The first speaker is of course Galleywood's own Tony Cruse so dog lovers may be interested in coming along to his talk or seeing

him in the main hall afterwards.

Contact Susan Wilson
Galleywood Heritage Centre
Off Margaretting Road, Galleywood Common
(view map)
Cost Free of Charge